Randomize Brush in Aseprite
A downloadable extension for Windows, macOS, and Linux
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Randomize Brush is a micro extension for Aseprite that provides an option to change brush properties (size, angle, color) on every click.
It works with standard Aseprite brushes and doesn't have effect on the custom brushes.
Extension adds
- New menu option - Edit > Brush Properties
See also
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Randomize Brush v1.0.0 2.9 kB
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I love this one! Is it possible to have an update at some point where it works with custom brushes?
Well, I think it could work 🤔 I’m not sure about changing colors but scaling and rotation would be possible.
It only suppports standard brushes by design, however it was requested quite a few times so I might consider adding it finally.
Thanks, I'll be looking forward to it!
Standard are working, can't get custom to work.
That is by design, this extension doesn’t work with custom brushes. ✌️ I added this information to the extension description, it’s my bad it wasn’t there before.
No combination of options work, 1.3-beta21-dev, ordinary and custom brushes.
Oh, it's working now. All I did was undo and reopen the brush properties window.
I’m really glad it worked! ✌️
It doesn’t work for me on both stable and beta versions for some reason. I have a size options in menu, but set settings do nothing, brush remains the same rotation
Are you using standard brushes (dot/circle, line, square) or custom brushes?
both are not working for me
What version of Aseprite are you using? And could you attach a screenshot of the Brush Properties window with the settings you’re trying that don’t work?
Brush Properties will also work only for standard brushes, custom brushes are not supported.
awesome as always!
any chance you could also add a flip H/V randomizer?
I think that would be very easy to add, I’ll test it and add it to the to-do list for the next update. ✌️
Awesome addon. Thanks! Looping and ping pong options?
I'm guessing that making this compatible with custom brushes is a bit out of scope?
Great work!
Looping and ping-pong sound interesting, I’ll add them to my list of features to test! 🤔
Custom brushes work very differently from regular ones, they’d require custom implementation for scaling and rotation, and in my opinion, the results are rarely satisfying. I don’t have plans to do that at the moment.
An awesome tiny tool as always. Thanks, Kacper!